Science at Meánscoil Mhuire


Science videos

On this page you will find downloads for students studying Junior Certificate Science.
You will need passwords to access the downloadable files on this page. Ask your teacher for these passwords.

First year Material

Missed some notes in Science? Download the file below for a full set of first year Science Notes.


Revising for Christmas Exams? Download the file below for a revision question sheet that will help you.
Revising for Summer Exams? Download the file below for a revision question sheet that will help you.




Second Year Material

Missed some notes in Science? Download the file below for a full set of Second year Science Notes.
Second Year worksheets
Revising for Christmas Exams? Download the file below for a revision question sheet that will help you.

Third Year Material

For a full set of third year notes material download the file below.
As part of the Science Course for Junior Cert, Students are required to carry out two investigations. The students must fill out a booklet which will be corrected by the examiner. The booklet accounts for 35% of the students total marks in Junior Cert Science. 25% for the investigations and 10% for the Mandatory experiments carried out throughout the three year course.
Students can download a printable sample of the booklet that they will have to complete for practice purposes by clicking the link below.