Dicipline Code

03/02/2015 14:40

Discipline Code


School Rules & Behaviour

Scoil Mhuire is a centre for formation of youth. It respects the dignity of each person, with her unique background, tradition and beliefs. It provides a disciplined atmosphere, in which pupils can grow and mature. Pupils are exposed to a rich cultural heritage and acquire knowledge and skills which enable them to understand and respect themselves, others and the environment in which they live. It is our experience that pupils who are co-operative and helpful get the most out of their time in school. In order to provide a pleasant, co-operative atmosphere where all can develop to their full potential, the following rules apply:



Correct school uniform should be worn at all time, in school, to and from school, on buses and all school functions and excursions. While wearing the school uniform, students are expected to behave in a dignified manner.

The school uniform is:

  • Royal blue jumper with crest
  • Navy four piece skirt
  • Light blue blouse and tie
  • Navy tracksuit
  • Plain navy or black cost or jacket
  • Navy tights and navy or black flat shoes
  • Optional – Navy uniform trousers

Because of the numerous stairways in our school, clogs, boots, platform shoes or shoes with high heels are in the interest of safety, not allowed. The wearing of make-up and jewellery is not in keeping with school uniform. The P.E. uniform should be worn at gym and games



To help us exercise our duty of care to the students, we request that we be notified in writing of all absences. If a parent wishes to bring a student out of school before 4.05pm we request that she/he (parent) signs the early leaver’s book at reception. A student may absent herself from class or the school premises only with express permission from the principal or deputy principal. To avoid disruption of class and school routine we request that, as far as possible, medical and dental appointments should not be arranged during school hours. Where this is unavoidable and to ensure the safety of our students at all times, the doctor’s or dentist’s official appointment card should be shown to the teacher in charge. Parents are requested not to take their school – going children on holidays during the school term. If a student is late for roll call it is her responsibility to ensure that she is marked present for the day.


In Class

Students are expected to be seated in classrooms when the bell rings at 9.15am and 2.05pm. Every student attending Scoil Mhuire has the right to an atmosphere, which is conductive to learning, and all are requested to respect this right. Co-operation with teachers, good conduct, respect for everyone, politeness, a proper attitude to work, attention in class, the satisfactory completion of homework and the observance of the school rules are expected from each pupil.


Throughout the School

Bullying; running on the corridors or the grounds (with the exception of the playing areas); the throwing of pens, pencils, paper darts etc.; “rough” play, “messing", quarrelling or fighting in the classrooms, anywhere on the premises or while in uniform could lead to injury of students and is therefore forbidden. Writing on or damaging school property is regarded as an offence. In the interest of safety, students are not allowed upstairs or into classrooms during lunchtime, unless accompanied by a member of staff.


Health & Safety

Treating others, as we would like to be treated ourselves is the guideline for behaviour everywhere in the school. Respect for the health and safety of all pupils is a basic requirement. Smoking in public places, including schools is forbidden. Chewing gum damages clothes, furniture and carpets and is very unhygienic and for this reason is forbidden.  Aerosol deodorants, Tippex, and other chemicals which are a health hazard for students, must not be brought to or used in or around the school. The use of mobile phones is not permitted in or around the school. In the interest of safety, all requests to see students or teachers should be made at reception.



We Facilitate parents who wish their daughters to remain on the premises by providing two lunch-rooms for them. If a parent wishes to call to the school to take her daughter down town at lunchtime they are welcome to call to the school and bring them out. We request parents who do so to sign out the pupil at reception.


Lost Property

Students are expected to care for and respect their own and other people’s property. Parents are requested to ensure that all items of clothing and books are clearly marked. While the school makes every effort to locate lost property and return it to its owner, it cannot take responsibility for items lost or mislaid.



Management has the right to apply sanctions; e.g. confiscation, detention, suspension or fines for breaches of the school discipline, and/or determine the conditions under which a pupil will be allowed to remain in the school.



All students are expected to have their journals in school and have them signed by their parents when requested.