
Last Updated 02/12/16

Christmas​ ​Jumper​ ​Day

Last​ ​Friday,​ ​students​ ​got​ ​the​ ​chance​ ​to​ ​wear​ ​a​ ​Christmas​ ​jumper​ ​to​ ​school.​ ​It​ ​was​ ​a​ ​great way​ ​to​ ​introduce​ us all to ​the​ ​festive​ ​mood​ .​ ​Reindeers,​ ​snowmen​ ​and​ ​a​ ​few​ ​penguins were​ ​spotted​ ​around​ ​the​ ​school!!​ ​Each​ ​student​ ​donated​ ​€2​ ​to​ ​the​ ​Attic​ ​House​ ​Teen Leadership​ ​Programme​ ​to​ ​Africa.​ ​We​ ​hope​ ​that​ ​the​ ​fundraiser​ ​helped​ ​out​ ​the​ ​girls​ ​involved in​ ​this​ ​project. 


Transition​ ​Year​ ​Christmas​ ​Card​ ​Fundraiser​ ​for​ ​Ceramic​ ​Art​ ​Project

Ms​ ​Daly’s​ ​Transition​ ​Year​ ​students​ ​have​ ​been​ ​busy​ ​designing​ ​Christmas​ ​cards​ ​for​ ​sale​ ​this festive​ ​season.​ ​​ ​A​ ​pack​ ​of​ ​10​ ​cards​ ​will​ ​cost​ ​€5.​ ​The​ ​five​ ​designs​ ​were​ ​chosen​ ​from​ ​many entries​ ​and​ ​are​ ​the​ ​work​ ​of​ ​the​ ​following​ ​students​ ​:​ ​Aoife​ ​Conlon,​ Aoife​ ​Sheridan,​ ​Iratxe Santxotena, Ciara​ ​Farrell​ ​and​ ​Clara​ ​Hollander.​ ​The​ ​proceeds​ ​will​ ​go​ ​towards​ ​a novel​ ​art​ ​project that​ ​will​ ​take​ ​place​ ​in​ ​the​ ​school​ ​after​ ​Christmas.​ ​The​ ​project​ ​will​ ​involve​ ​Ross​ ​Cochrane,​ ​a ceramic​ ​artist​ ​from​ ​the​ ​Leitrim​ ​Sculpture​ ​Centre.​ ​​ ​He​ ​will​ ​come​ ​to​ ​the​ ​school​ ​to​ ​work​ ​with Ms​ ​Daly​ ​and​ ​her​ ​students.​ ​They​ ​will​ ​create​ ​a​ ​ceramic​ ​panel​ ​for​ ​the​ ​wall​ ​at​ ​the​ ​school reception.​ ​Students​ ​will​ ​work​ ​on​ ​an​ ​individual​ ​piece​ ​that​ ​will​ ​come​ ​together​ ​as​ ​one​ ​large ceramic​ ​mural.​ ​Meanscoil​ ​Mhuire’s​ ​diverse​ ​range​ ​of​ ​nationalities​ ​will​ ​be​ ​celebrated​ ​in​ ​the ceramic​ ​pieces.​ ​Each​ ​individual​ ​piece​ ​reflects​ ​each​ ​students​ ​religious​ ​and​ ​cultural background.​ ​This​ ​artwork​ ​will​ ​greatly​ ​enhance​ ​the​ ​school​ ​reception​ ​area.​ ​The​ ​project​ ​will also​ ​allow​ ​students​ ​gain​ ​the​ ​experience​ ​of​ ​working​ ​with​ ​an​ ​amazing​ ​ceramic​ ​artist.​ ​Please buy​ ​your​ ​Christmas​ ​cards​ ​from​ ​Meanscoil​ ​Mhuire​ ​and​ ​help​ ​support​ ​this​ ​project​.

​Ms​ ​Daly would​ ​also​ ​like​ ​to​ ​acknowledge​ ​‘Creative​ ​Engagement’​ ​which​ ​is​ ​funded​ ​by​ ​the​ ​Department of​ ​Arts​ ​Heritage​ ​&​ ​Gaeltacht​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Department​ ​of​ ​Education​ ​&​ ​Skills​ ​for​ ​awarding​ ​us​ ​with €400​ ​funding​ ​towards​ ​the​ ​project.  


TY Notes

Last week, some of our Transition Year students took part in the Black Friday Sales, which proved a great success! The students also participated in The Disability Programme, which they thoroughly enjoyed.


Open Night

Attention all 6th class students! This Wednesday, the 7th of December Mean Scoil Mhuire is holding its open night! We will have displays and activities for every subject. For example, in English, our students will dress up as their favourite book character. The school will be open to the public from 7pm until 9pm.  Our Principal Ms Mulrennan will address all parents, teachers and students present at 7:30pm in the school gym. We hope to see you all there for an enjoyable night!


Carol Service

Our annual Christmas carol service took place last Thursday at 6pm in St Mel's Cathedral. The curtain raiser was held during the school day at 3pm. It was, as always, a lovely occasion and gave our vocalists the opportunity to showcase their talents. Thanks also to the readers The Carol Service allowed us all get in the Christmas spirit! Thanks to all our Religion teachers for helping organize the event and to Musical director Ms Mellett.


Welcome Back

Students were welcomed back to school on Wednesday 9th of November after the mid-term break. We were all eager to get back to work after the extended break.


Positive Mental Health Week

On Friday 28th October the pop-rock band called the Tall Trees performed to raise funds for Positive Mental Health week. Students enjoyed an exciting gig in the school gym featuring many popular songs. Positive Mental Health week was scheduled to begin on Monday 7th of November however unfortunately it has been postponed until some time in the new year.


Foróige Leadership Programme

Over the mid-term break, many Transition Year students attended the second module of the Foróige Leadership Programme in the Attic House. The first module was completed by all Transition Year students at the beginning of the year and was a great success.


Evolution Show

Congratulations to students who performed in the Evolution Stage School showcase ‘Get Up & Dance’. The show was enjoyed by all who attended and by the girls from first to sixth year that performed. The show was a great display of all their talents.


Halloween Cake Decorating Competion

Prior to the mid-term break, Transition Year students in TY2 and TY3 took part in a Halloween cake decorating competition. The girls were asked to decorate a cake in the theme of Halloween. Many fabulous cakes were entered but the winners in TY 2 were Iratxe Eúniga, Leah Devlin and Lena Dillenburg. From TY3 Lynn Pereira, Ann Marie Murphy and Robin Duke won prizes. Well done girls!


3rd Year Parent Teacher Meetings

The third year parent teacher meeting will take place today Wednesday 16th November.  Teachers are looking forward to meeting the parents and discussing their students progress.



Congratulations to Ms Keogh and her husband on the recent birth of their baby daughter.  We wish them many years of happiness.


Poetry Aloud


Well done to these four second year students who took part in the regional round of 'Poetry Aloud' today, which was held in the arts centre in Mullingar. (Aoife Wadd, Megan Lee, Efewedo Idehen and Olivia Mollaghan). Over 50 students took part today from several schools in the area. Each student had to read a set poem, which for the Junior category was 'The Lament for Thomas McDonagh' by Francis Ledwidge. They then had to deliver a poem of their choice. 

The competition aims to concentrate on the spoken word and each student is marked according to how they managed to communicate the poems to the audience. Well done especially to Aoife Wadd who was selected to proceed to the national semi-finals due to take place in Dublin in November, good luck Aoife! Thanks to their mentor Mrs King


Marathon Success


Well done to our PE teacher Ms Hardiman who ran the Dublin City Marathon over the midterm break. She managed to complete the 26.2 miles in a great time of 3 hours 48m.  Well done Miss!



Heroic Welcome for All Ireland Champions

Last Friday past pupil Jacinta Brady (captain) and four other members of the Co. Longford ladies football team, who recently captured the All – Ireland title in Croke Park, brought the coveted cup to the school. The students and staff of Mean Scoil Mhuire gave a rapturous welcome to Jacinta Brady, Aishling Greene, Ann-Marie Bratten, Mairead Moore and Eimear Dooley. PE teacher Mr Carroll introduced the girls on stage and spoke of their outstanding commitment and achievement. They were joined by the members of the under 16 All Ireland winning side who achieved success last July; Niamh Darcy, Niamh Brady, Jessica Barry, Aine Barry, Sinead Donoghue, Eve Nerney and Orla Nevin. Well done girls! Congratulations also to past pupils Catriona Moore, Leanne Keegan, Alice Magan, Aisling Reynolds and Aoife Darcy who were on the All-Ireland winning team but were unavailable last Friday. Well done also to Sinead Macken and Kyana Lee who were selectors on the u16 team. The school is extremely proud of the achievements of our past and present pupils. We would like to thank the girls for taking time out of their busy schedules to come to visit us. Special thanks to Niamh Darcy, Ms McGoey and Denise Kelly who assisted the sports Department in the preparations.



Aisling Winners

Congratulations to Fabienne Flanigan from 2nd year and Ciara Farrell from TY, students of Miss Daly's class who won art awards in the Aisling Festival.  Their work was based on the theme for Aisling this year, namely, "A Better World". They collected their prizes on Thursday night. Well done girls! MeanScoil Mhuire is proud of you!


5th Year Biology Trip

On Wednesday 12th of October, the 5th year Biology classes, accompanied by their teachers Ms Killian, Ms Rowley and Ms Foley travelled to the Derrycassin Woods and explored their way through the shoreline of Lough Gowna. These students discovered a wide variety of plants, trees and small insects, and some students even managed to catch a few frogs! Overall the trip was very educational and informative, and the students enjoyed their day breathing in the fresh air!


Maths Week

 To celebrate Maths Week 2016 the Maths and Numeracy departments organised a number of fun activities for the school community. The activities included a paper airplane competition, a board games event and a Connect Four competition. We also had a number of puzzles that could be accessed using QR codes. Winners to be announced next week. 



Many staff members and teachers retired this year and we would like to congratulate them all.  Well done to Mrs Skelly, Mary Briody, Ms. Walsh and past Principal Mr. Costello. We would like to wish them best of luck, health and happiness in their respective retirements and thank them for all they've done for us in school!


First Year Basketball Try-Outs

Well done to all who participated in the first year basketball try outs! Ms. McGrath, the coach, is looking forward to training the enthusiastic first years. Try outs continue over the weeks ahead.


TY Notes

It was another interesting week for the TY students. We are organising an Art Exhibition, displaying all of the last year's excellent Junior Cert art pieces. This exhibition can be seen in the front hall. Four "lucky" TY students received their babies and had to mind them for a whole weekend! It was a very interesting (and tiring) weekend for them!


Sponsored Walk

Each year the school organises a sponsored walk in order to raise funds. A student from each family attending the school received a sponsorship card from their tutor last week. All money raised will go towards the upkeep and running of the school. This year it is hoped that the class who raises the most money in each year will win a prize! We appeal to all families to support our school.


Maths Week

This week Mean Scoil Mhuire is holding Maths week.  During this week the Maths teachers organise various lunch-time activities that promote numeracy and an interest in all things mathematical.  We also have a little fun along the way! Thanks to all the Maths teachers for organising the week and we ask all students to participate in the events.

All-Ireland Success for Past Pupils


Congratulations to Longford Junior Ladies football team who were crowned All-Ireland champions in Croke Park with a decisive victory over Antrim last Sunday week.  The girls staged one of the greatest come-backs ever witnessed in our national stadium when they wiped out an eight point lead in the second half and went on to win the match on a scoreline of 4-10 to 1-12.  The school is very proud of the many past pupils who are on the panel and hope the girls will visit us with the cup shortly. Well done Aisling Greene, Aisling Reynolds, Jacinta Brady, Aoife Darcy, Clare Farrell, Leanne Keegan, Mairead Moore, Ann-Marie Bratten, Alice McGann and all the players and management of the Longford Ladies Junior football team.


TY Leadership Programme


After three exciting days, each of the TY classes have completed module one of Foroiges ‘Leadership for Life Programme’ run by Jim Maher and Kat Mahan from the Attic House Teen Project. The Leadership for Life Programme allows young people to build on their innate leadership capabilities and develop new skills allowing them to become great leaders! Everyone in the year really enjoyed the programme and we look forward to putting our leadership skills into practice in the coming year.


Irish Science Olympiad

Sadia Azam recently achieved outstanding results in Science and Maths in her Junior Certificate and the State Examination Commission has requested that Sadia attend the Irish Science Olympiad in Dublin City University on Saturday, November 5th 2016. The 6 lucky winners will be given the opportunity to travel to Copenhagen, Denmark to attend the European Union Science Olympiad. Good luck Sadia! Mean Scoil Mhuire is proud of you!



The school year did not start off so well for our sports teams but we look forward to better days ahead. Hard luck to the senior football team who were defeated by Loretto from Mullingar, in St Lomans, last Friday. The girls preformed very well by all accounts. The senior and cadet basketball teams had matches against Monaghan in the mall on last Wednesday. Unfortunately the girls did not win either of the games but played well in both.  



As we returned to school earlier that usual in August, we were compensated with a mini break from Friday the 30th of September to Monday the 3rd of October. We are all refreshed after our extra long weekend! We are all ready to face more hard work. Roll on Halloween!


Coffee Morning

During our recent coffee morning, we raised €927.50 for the Hospice. Thank you to all the staff members and students who contributed to this great cause! 

Welcome Back

Welcome back to all our staff and students after the Summer holidays!  We extend a warm Mean Scoil Mhuire welcome to our new Principal Mrs Aoife Mulrennan.  We wish her the best of luck in her new role and hope her stay here will be both happy and fulfilling.  Welcome to all the First Years as they embark on the exciting journey through secondary school.  Welcome also to new teachers Ms McManamy,(Home Economics) , Ms Cleary (Business) and Michelle McMorrow (Special Needs Assistant).  Best wishes to former Principal Mr Paul Costello, Science teacher Ms Skelly, French teacher Ms Walsh and Special Needs Assistant, Mary Briody, all of whom are heading into a well deserved retirement.

Shauna Banet

The whole school community was deeply shocked and saddened by the sudden death of 5th year student Shauna Banet, during the month of August.  Shauna was a very popular student amongst her peers and will be forever remembered for her radiant smile, her talent and love of music, her kindness towards others and her gentle, calm demeanour. She will be sadly missed by both staff and students. To her mother and father, her sister Rebecca, her uncle Mr MacAodha, her grandparents and her extended family and friends, we convey our deepest sympathies.  Ar Dheis De go raibh a hanam Dilis.


We wish to sympathise with many members of staff who suffered bereavements over the Summer months.  Sincere sympathy to Mrs O Brien (Career Guidance) on the death of her father and to Ms Daly on the loss of her father.  We also wish to send our condolences to Ms Ginty on the death of her father and Ms Mc Manus on the death of her brother.  May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace Amen

Leaving Cert Results

Congratulations to last year’s Leaving Cert students and their teachers on the excellent Leaving Cert results.  In the recently published schools league table Mean Scoil Mhuire Longford was, once again, voted the top school in Co Longford in terms of points achieved in the Leaving Cert.  While we had a number of students who achieved maximum points, we also had several students who worked hard to achieve their potential and secure a place in their chosen course. We wish all our past pupils the very best in their future careers. Well done again to all on the excellent results.  Keep up the good work! 


Memory Lane

Last Monday Memory Lane visited the school.  All the First Years and Junior and Leaving Cert students scrubbed up really well for the cameras.  Photographs will be available shortly from Ms Lyons.

Junior Cert Results

Best of luck to the Junior Certs who will receive their Junior Cert results today Wednesday.  Go neiri and tadh libh!

Transition Year notes by Emer Branigan and Niamh Baskett

A big welcome back to this years’ Transition Year students.  We extend a special ‘cead mile failte’ to our foreign students, who hail from Spain, Germany and Italy.  We are looking forward to the busy year that lies ahead.  Already, we have been exposed to many exciting new experiences such as the Leadership Programme and karate lessons. In the week ahead we look forward to our ‘Bonding Trip’ and to the Junior Cert results!


Congratulations to Katie Farrell, first year who recently received a certificate of commeration for her first year art work in the Texaco art competition.

Leaving Cert Graduation Mass

It’s that time of year again when we must say goodbye to the Leaving Certs. The students took part in their graduation mass on Friday 20th.  It was a nostalgic event as the girls said goodbye to their school days. The mass began at 7’o clock in St. Mels Cathedral. The singing was beautiful and many meaningful poems and prayers were recited.  Everyone who attended had an enjoyable evening and it is not one that will be forgotten.  We would like to wish all the Leaving Certs the very best of luck in their exams and all the best in the future. Thanks to all the Religion teachers who organised the mass.


1st year School Tour

Mr Carroll and Mr Regan brought all the first years on a joint History and Geography tour last Tuesday.  They visited Arigna mines and Corlea bog.  The tour was enjoyable and interesting.

TY Night

Congratulations to the Transition Years, Ms Griffin, their year head and all their teachers.  The girls ‘graduated’ from Transition Year last Tuesday.  A very successful night was held in their honour.  More on this next week.  Congratulations to Ms Daly and her Art student s who put together a magnificent instillation in honour of the 1916 Rising. This instillation stimulated all the senses and was praised by all the parents, students, teachers and visitors to the school.  It is hoped that this instillation will be on display for the general public next September.  Not to be missed!

Achievements Night

Last Thursday the school held its annual achievements night where students are awarded for perfect attendance and for participating in various organisations and committees throughout this year. School girl and Sports person of the year were announced and the student body congratulated them on their brilliant achievement. Mean Scoil Mhuire was delighted to welcome a special guest speaker and ex-student Marie Carrigy.  Marie is a Captain in the Irish Defence Forces and has served on peace keeping forces in Syria and in the Lebanon. She was given the honour of raising the tricolour at one of the recent televised 1916 Rising Celebrations. She initially qualified and worked for several years as a physiotherapist. She is also a prominent member of Killoe senior Ladies football team. Marie’s speech was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who attended the night. We wish to thank her for coming back to visit us and inspire us with her story. We would also like to congratulate everyone involved on behalf of your wonderful achievements.  Thanks to Ms Hardiman and Ms Lyons who organised the night and to Ms Mellett who arranged the music.

2nd year talk

On Wednesday the 11th of May, the second years were given a talk by Sr. Immaculata who shared with them her experiences and memories of the religious life. As a past Principle of the school, Sr. Immaculata was delighted to be back with us and all who attended enjoyed the talk immensely.



Congratulations to the Under-18 county football team on their win against Louth on Sunday, the 1st of May in Newbridge. Several girls from the school play on this team and congratulations to all involved!

School Tour

Last week, several fifth year and TY students travelled to Italy on the school tour. The trip was brillantly organised by Ms. Mullen. They were accompanied by Ms. Healy, Ms. Macko, Ms. Keogh, Mr. Carroll and Mr Costello. The Principal truly enjoyed his roller coaster adventure! Everyone had an amazing time, never to be forgotten.


Congratulations to Aine McWeeny who beat her previous personal best time and also qualified for Division Two. Also special mention to Audrey Kemayou who was half a second away from the Division Two time in the 100m backstroke. Rachel Raleigh and Elizabeth O’Boyle also achieved new ‘A’ times and personal times.  Well done girls!


Ty Night and Achievements Night


Tonight we will hold the TY night which will showcase the hard work put in and progress made by the girls in the past year. The girls will display videos and photos from their eventful year. It will be a fun and enjoyable night for all involved. Achievements night will take place tomorrow night, Thursday the 19th of May. This year past pupil Marie Carrigy is our special guest. Students will be rewarded on their achievements throughout the year and get the recognition they deserve!



Congratulations to Mr Mac Aodha on the birth of his daughter Sheenagh over the May Bank holiday weekend.

Art Exams

Ms Daly’s and Ms Ryan’s Art students are busy getting ready for their practical exams.  These exams are being held today Wednesday as well as Thursday, for all Leaving Cert exam students.  The Junior Certs are sitting their practical exams on Friday.  Best of luck to all!


Carrick-on-Shannon French Teachers Association recently made a presentation Ms Walsh as she approaches her retirement. The presentation was for her support and devotion to ‘Things French’. Colleauges in the French Department, Mrs Mc Grath and Madame Bunaz as well as Deputy Principal, Ms Lyons were present at the event.  We wish Ms Walsh all the best in the years ahead.

Project Work

Students were relieved to meet the deadline for subject course work last Friday.  Leaving Cert Geography, History and Religious Education students completed their projects and can now concentrate on their written exam.  Mrs Butlers LCVP class sat their exam on Wednesday while the rest of the school was enjoying an extended break.  Junior Cert students were also happy to submit CSPE, Science and Music projects. A lot done, a lot more to do!


Fresh from their wonderful trip to Italy the TYs are currently putting the finishing touches to projects and preparing for the TY night which will be held on May 17th.  More on this next week.


Couch to 3k

On Wednesday last several fifth year students took part in the Couch to 3k run which was held in the mall. This was a great success and everyone who participated thoroughly enjoyed it. Over the last three weeks, as part of the programme, the students trained during their P.E. classes.  Thanks to Lisa Kenny Longford Sports Partnership and to Mr Carroll who facilitated it. The training definitely paid off!

School Tour

Last Tuesday the 3rd of May, T.Y and fifth year students, together with a group of teachers led by Ms Mullen, travelled to Italy on their school tour. During this trip they will visit Rome and Sorrento. They have unique opportunities to see some of Rome’s greatest treasures including the Collosseum, The Roman Forum, The Trevi Fountain and The Spanish Steps. Geography and History students will enjoy visiting Mount Vescuvius and the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. They will also visit The Vatican City and the beautiful resort of Sorrento on the Amalfi coast. We hope you all enjoy your trip!


We would like to congratulate Ms. Reilly on her recent stroke of good luck in winning the lotto. Don’t go too crazy Miss!

T.Y. Notes

This week the T.Y.s participated in two workshops .They took part in a song writing workshop.  The musically talented TY students really enjoyed this workshop.  Thanks to Ms Mellett and the crew for their imput. The girls also participated in a film- making workshop.  This film- making workshop will form part of the T.Y. Open Night, where the girls will showcase the talents they developed

Tennis Win

Congratulations to Ms Mullen on winning the womens doubles final at the Longford Tennis Clubs Spring Championships.  Together with fellow player Claire Clarke, she took this top prize at the competition.  Next stop Wimbledon centre court Miss!

French Quiz

Congratulations to all the girls who took part in the French quiz which was held in Carrick-on-Shannon last Wednesday.  Amanda Uwase, Efe Idehen, Audrey Kemayou and Alexandra Kutyla’s team came 4th overall.  Well done also to Hannah Glennon, Casey Rowley and Fabienne Flanagan who came 5th  The French Teachers Association made a presentation to Ms Walsh, who is about to retire, for her contribution to the Association throughout the years. Mrs Flanagan and Mrs McGrath presented Ms Walsh with her gift. Well deserved Miss!