Article archive

Couch to 3k

05/05/2016 11:00
Couch to 3k On Wednesday last several fifth year students took part in the Couch to 3k run which was held in the mall. This was a great success and everyone who participated thoroughly enjoyed it. Over the last three weeks, as part of the programme, the students trained during their P.E....

School Tour

05/05/2016 11:00
School Tour Last Tuesday the 3rd of May, T.Y and fifth year students, together with a group of teachers led by Ms Mullen, travelled to Italy on their school tour. During this trip they will visit Rome and Sorrento. They have unique opportunities to see some of Rome’s greatest treasures including...


05/05/2016 11:00
Congratulations We would like to congratulate Ms. Reilly on her recent stroke of good luck in winning the lotto. Don’t go too crazy Miss!

Tennis Win

05/05/2016 10:59
Tennis Win Congratulations to Ms Mullen on winning the womens doubles final at the Longford Tennis Clubs Spring Championships.  Together with fellow player Claire Clarke, she took this top prize at the competition.  Next stop Wimbledon centre court Miss!

T.Y. Notes

05/05/2016 10:59
T.Y. Notes This week the T.Y.s participated in two workshops .They took part in a song writing workshop.  The musically talented TY students really enjoyed this workshop.  Thanks to Ms Mellett and the crew for their imput. The girls also participated in a film- making workshop.  This...

French Quiz

05/05/2016 10:57
French Quiz Congratulations to all the girls who took part in the French quiz which was held in Carrick-on-Shannon last Wednesday.  Amanda Uwase, Efe Idehen, Audrey Kemayou and Alexandra Kutyla’s team came 4th overall.  Well done also to Hannah Glennon, Casey Rowley and Fabienne Flanagan...

Discipline Code

03/02/2015 14:41
Discipline Code   School Rules & Behaviour Scoil Mhuire is a centre for formation of youth. It respects the dignity of each person, with her unique background, tradition and beliefs. It provides a disciplined atmosphere, in which pupils can grow and mature. Pupils are exposed to a rich...

Dicipline Code

03/02/2015 14:40
Discipline Code   School Rules & Behaviour Scoil Mhuire is a centre for formation of youth. It respects the dignity of each person, with her unique background, tradition and beliefs. It provides a disciplined atmosphere, in which pupils can grow and mature. Pupils are exposed to a rich...

Useful Links

02/12/2015 11:28   www.careersportal.ieAdvice for parents with junior and leaving cert students

Useful Study Links

02/12/2015 11:19 www.studyclix www.studynotes.iewwwLeaving and Junior Cert Timetables.  
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